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Kubernetes Clinics

Kubernetes Clinics are a series of deep dive, technical presentations on Kubernetes technology. Presented by experts across the Kubernetes community, check out upcoming Kubernetes Clinics and register!

aug 20 EKS Best Practices from a Managed Kubernetes as a Service Provider
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June 12 Top 10 Lessons Learned from Managing Kubernetes
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May 22 AWS Kubernetes Penalties: Is Your Cloud Bill Going to Skyrocket?
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April 30 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform - The Benefits of Shifting FinOps Left
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Mar 27 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform - How Right-sizing Saves Time and Money
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Feb 27 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform with Spot Instances
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Jan 30 2024 Kubernetes Benchmark Report Results
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Nov 15 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform - The Art of Rightsizing Kubernetes
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Oct 25 K8s Self-Service: Get Your Application into Deployment in 20 Minutes
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Sept 20 Enabling Developer Self-Service in Kubernetes: What Not to Do
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Aug 16 5 Tips for Better Kubernetes Self-Service
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July 20 Better Self-Service Kubernetes
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JUNE 14 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform - Cost Management & Reporting
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May 31 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform - Monitoring: What and Why
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Apr 26 Building a Better Kubernetes Platform - How to Deploy in CI/CD
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Mar 23 Building a Kubernetes Platform - Apply Governance & Policy
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Feb 23 Building a Kubernetes Platform - Installing Add-Ons
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Jan 26 How to Check Kubernetes Cluster Health
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Dec 07 GitOps Best Practices (And the Kubernetes Guardrails You Need)
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Nov 09 4 Kubernetes Open Source Tools You Need in 2023
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Sept 15 Open Source Project Pluto & Nova: How to Find Deprecated Resources and Out of Date Helm Charts
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AUG 18 Open Source Project Goldilocks: Right Sizing Kubernetes Across Multiple Clusters & Teams
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July 21 Open Source Project Polaris: How to Ensure Kubernetes Best Practices
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June 16 How Much Does Kubernetes Cost?
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May 23 Kubernetes: The Good, The Bad, and The Misconfigured
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Apr 21 Common Kubernetes Challenges Solved
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Mar 17 How to Optimize Kubernetes for Security, Cost, Reliability and Scale
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Feb 16 Building Stability: Live Demos of Pitfalls When Resource Requests & Limits Are Not Set
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Jan 18 Uniting DevSecOps: Fact or Fiction
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Dec 14 Tips We Learned from Achieving SOC 2 Compliance Applied to Kubernetes
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Nov 10 Most Common Misconfigurations in Kubernetes: Benchmarking in K8s
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CLoudTruth Oct 19 Methods to Centrally Manage Your K8s ConfigMaps & Secrets Data
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Sept 21 Problems with Kubernetes Cost Strategies (And How to Overcome them)
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August 24 Expert Panel Discusses Kubernetes Guardrails and Governance
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July 21 Who Owns Kubernetes? Why and How Service Ownership
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June 23 4 Open Source Tools That Will Change How You Manage Kubernetes
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May 20 How To Run Kubernetes Securely and Efficiently
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Instaclustr Jan 27 The Undeniable Benefits of a Managed Data Platform for Open Source Technologies
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GitLab Dec 2 Powering your infrastructure with GitOps using GitLab Speaker: Abubakar Siddiq Ango
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Fairwinds Nov 12 Deep Dive into Open Source Projects Polaris, Nova, Gemini and Pluto Speaker: Robert Brennan
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Ambassador Labs NOV 10 The Past, Present, and Future of Cloud Native API Gateways Speaker: Daniel Bryant, Product Architect
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CloudZero OCT 29 Kubernetes Cost Considerations and Best Practices. Speaker: Erik Peterson, CTO & Co-Founder
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Datadog Oct 15 Driving Service Reliability Through Autoscaling Workloads on Kubernetes Speaker: Ara Pulido, Developer Relations
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Kinvolk Oct 1 From CoreOS to Flatcar: Why containers inspired a new flavor of Linux and how you can take advantage. Speaker: Vincent Batts
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CircleCI Sept 17 You want to Kubernetes? You MUST know Containers! Speaker: Angel Rivera, Developer Advocate
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