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AWS Kubernetes Penalties: Is Your Cloud Bill Going to Skyrocket?

Kubernetes Clinic

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Wednesday May 22, 2024

1 PM ET / 10 AM PT

Featured Speakers:

Andy Suderman, CTO - Fairwinds

Stevie Caldwell, Senior Tech Lead - Fairwinds

Are you aware of the recent AWS changes that require an EKS upgrade to version 1.25 or higher without paying significant penalties? Do you know that there are also several newer versions coming in the next few months that you'll also need to upgrade in order to avoid significant price increases? Join Fairwind’s CTO, Andy Suderman, and Senior Tech Lead, Stevie Caldwell, as they take you step by step through what’s involved. This clinic will include:

  • How to stage EKS upgrades

  • The steps AWS manages during an EKS upgrade

  • The upgrade sequence

  • Open source tools that can help you with the upgrade process

It also includes code examples and important Kubernetes changes in recent (and upcoming) releases. This free clinic could help you save thousands over the next few months.

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