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7 minute read
| April 29, 2022

NSA Hardening Guide: Three Ways Fairwinds Insights Can Root Out Poor Pod Security

The NSA has released a stringent set of guidelines for hardening your Kubernetes clusters. The 66-page document outlines a strong defense-in-depth approach to minimize the... Read More
4 minute read
| April 19, 2022

Don’t Forget to Check Kubernetes Pod SecurityContext for readOnlyRootFilesystem

Running secure workloads in Kubernetes can be challenging. Kubernetes enables engineers to configure the security features of containers using the securityContext field.... Read More
4 minute read
| April 11, 2022

Kubernetes DevOps Tip #5: Why Setting imagePullPolicy to Always is More Necessary Than You Think

This blog will discuss the need for better practices around the Pull Policy of a Kubernetes container, which is set using the imagePullPolicy field in a pod specification.... Read More
3 minute read
| January 15, 2022

Kubernetes DevOps Tip #7: Cost of Repair in Development vs. Production

One of the main benefits about Kubernetes is the platform’s ability to increase the speed of development. By using microservices and containers, development happens faster.... Read More
7 minute read
| September 23, 2021

How the Fairwinds Team Worked Together to Receive SOC 2 Certification

Service Organization Control, more commonly known as SOC, comes in two flavors: SOC 1 and SOC 2 reports. SOC 1 reports are for businesses that handle financial information... Read More
4 minute read
| September 15, 2021

How to Rightsize Your Kubernetes Workloads

It’s time to make your first big spend commit to the cloud of your choosing, or you’re getting ready to renew a commit and need all the details to get things right. Before... Read More
5 minute read
| August 5, 2021

Kubernetes Configuration Validation: Learn Why It's not One and Done

If you're using Kubernetes in production, it's critical that you're validating the configuration for each of your workloads. The smallest changes or omissions can lead to... Read More
4 minute read
| July 15, 2021

An Intro to Kubernetes Best Practices: Start Your K8s Right

There’s no single right way to achieve success with Kubernetes, but as the cloud native ecosystem continues to expand rapidly, many organizations beginning their Kubernetes... Read More
4 minute read
| June 15, 2021

What Does the GitHub Kubernetes Best Practices Badge Mean?

If you’ve been around GitHub land for any period of time, you’ll be familiar with a variety of badges on open source projects. The badges exist to demonstrate the third-party... Read More
5 minute read
| June 2, 2021

Enable Cloud Native Service Ownership

The importance of cloud native service ownership starts with the consumer and meeting their expectations that a service will just simply work. That means whatever service you... Read More
5 minute read
| May 18, 2021

Configuration Drift in Kubernetes - What Is It and Why it Matters

Most organizations start out with Kubernetes by piloting it with a single application. Once they’ve gone through a successful pilot and embraced Kubernetes, companies may... Read More
7 minute read
| May 6, 2021

Never Should You Ever In Kubernetes Part 5: Your Top 4 FAQs

As we’ve discussed in this series, there are some things that you should simply never, ever do in Kubernetes. Corey Quinn, founder of Screaming in the Cloud and Chief Cloud... Read More