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4 minute read
| December 18, 2020

Why Fixing Kubernetes Configuration Inconsistencies is Critical for Multi-tenant and Multi-cluster Environments

In most cases, organizations pilot Kubernetes with a single application. Once successful, these organizations commit to Kubernetes across multiple apps, development and ops... Read More
3 minute read
| December 14, 2020

How to Identify Over Permissioned Containers

An over permissioned container has all the root capabilities of a host machine. The container can access resources which are not accessible in ordinary containers. While... Read More
3 minute read
| December 11, 2020

How to Identify Missing Readiness Probes in Kubernetes

Kubernetes offers two types of health checks: readiness probes and liveness probes. Read More
4 minute read
| August 26, 2020

When to Use a Kubernetes Managed Service vs. Hiring Internally

Over the years in leadership at Fairwinds I've been part of making decisions about hiring in-house talent or using a managed service. There are a number of situations where... Read More
6 minute read
| July 31, 2020

Kubernetes Problem Solving

No doubt when running Kubernetes you will spend a good amount of time problem solving. Our team does a lot of problem solving across many different Kubernetes deployments.... Read More
11 minute read
| July 9, 2020

5 Problems with Kubernetes Cost Estimation Strategies

Estimating how much you are spending (or wasting) on a particular Kubernetes workload is hard. The good news is that there are some reasonable strategies for estimating how... Read More
4 minute read
| June 30, 2020

CI/CD Enablement: CircleCI vs Jenkins

At Fairwinds, whenever we start work with a new company, we recommend CircleCI for its CI/CD pipeline. There are two main reasons: Read More
8 minute read
| June 5, 2020

Making Sense of Kubernetes with Fairwinds Insights

When I started working with Kubernetes, I thought it’d be a fairly simple transition. I’d been working in AWS for years, and on Linux for years before that. I knew about... Read More
3 minute read
| May 22, 2020

Easing Tension Between Kubernetes Development, Security and Operations

As organizations move to develop mission-critical applications in Kubernetes, they need a way to ensure that configuration best practices are applied consistently... Read More
3 minute read
| July 19, 2017

Why we offer Kubernetes Consulting

At Fairwinds, our primary focus is to offerDevOps-as-a-Service (DaaS)because we have a scalable model that has proven valuable to the market. In addition to our monthly... Read More