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6 minute read
| May 30, 2024

How Old Are Your Kubernetes Nodes?

How old are your Kubernetes nodes? Most often, people don’t know the answer to this question, or if they do, they know that “most” of their nodes are a certain age, and some... Read More
36 minute read
| April 22, 2024

A Step-by-Step Guide to Securely Upgrading Your EKS Clusters

As an agile open source project, Kubernetes continues to evolve, as does the cloud computing landscape. Keeping up with the latest versions isn’t practical for many... Read More
16 minute read
| April 5, 2024

Guide to Understanding Your Kubernetes Liveness Probes Best Practices

Kubernetes, initially released in 2014, is an open source container orchestration system released under Apache License 2.0 and written in the programming language Go. Google... Read More
12 minute read
| April 5, 2024

5 Ways You Can Diagnose & Prevent OOMKilled Errors in Kubernetes

Learn some of the steps you can take to diagnose an OOMKilled (Out of Memory) error in a Linux-based system. Out of memory errors in Kubernetes usually occur when a container... Read More
8 minute read
| April 4, 2024

How to Create, View, and Destroy a Pod in Kubernetes

In our How-to-Kube series, we began by covering the pod basics. Similar to service, volume, and namespace, a pod is a basic Kubernetes object. A pod is a set of one or more... Read More
10 minute read
| December 11, 2023

14 Kubernetes Policies Every User Needs to Know & Understand

Kubernetes is the undisputed standard for cloud native deployments, requiring platform engineers and developers alike to understand the complexities that come along with it.... Read More
8 minute read
| November 14, 2023

Kubernetes Rightsizing: Save Money and Improve Performance

Kubernetes rightsizing is the process you use to ensure that your Kubernetes cluster has the right amount of resources to run your workloads efficiently. K8s rightsizing... Read More
7 minute read
| August 24, 2023

What Not to Monitor and What Not to Alert On in Kubernetes

Kubernetes, the de-facto container orchestrator, offers considerable flexibility and power. But monitoring every single thing in Kubernetes can become overwhelming quickly!... Read More
12 minute read
| May 11, 2023

How You Can Avoid Common Kubernetes Misconfigurations & Vulnerabilities

Securing workloads in Kubernetes is an important part of your cluster security overall. Your overall goal should be to ensure that your containers are running with minimal... Read More
7 minute read
| May 10, 2023

7 Building Blocks for a Successful Internal Developer Platform for Kubernetes

As organizations continue to adopt Kubernetes for container orchestration, the need for a robust internal developer platform has become increasingly important. According to ... Read More
10 minute read
| November 2, 2022

Why Aren't You Following These 5 Kubernetes Best Practices?

As containers have taken hold as the standard method of developing and deploying cloud-native applications, many organizations are adopting Kubernetes as the solution they... Read More
7 minute read
| September 28, 2022

Kubernetes Best Practice: How to (Correctly) Set Resource Requests and Limits

One of my biggest pet peeves when managing Kubernetes is when there are workloads with no resource requests and limits. I was so frustrated by this that I created Goldilocks,... Read More