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Kubernetes Best Practices

Learn the latest best practices for adoption and implementation so you can realize long-term value across your entire organization.

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This Kubernetes Best Practices whitepaper updated in June 2024, provides hard-won Kubernetes expertise. In it, we dive into the core areas of Kubernetes: security, efficiency, and reliability.

Learn how to:

  • Avoid 'secure by default' missteps with security best practices

  • Set just the right CPU and memory with cost optimization best practices

  • Avoid Kubernetes configuration missteps for reliability

  • Avoid challenges with managing multi-user, cluster, and tenant environments with policy best practices


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Insights By Fairwinds Offers Kubernetes Security, Cost, Compliance and Guardrails in One Platform

Rightsizing Advice icon@2x
Develop With Kubernetes Guardrails 100+ built-in policies and a library of OPA templates help identify Kubernetes misconfigurations and prevent security and configuration issues from reaching production.
Kubernetes Cost Showback icon@2x
Eliminate Security Vulnerabilities and Blindspots Continuously monitor multiple clusters to pinpoint and prioritize risk. Gain actionable remediation advice and status tracking.
Quality of Service Controls Icon@2x
Monitor and Optimize Kubernetes Cost Rightsize workloads based on actual usage to avoid hours of trial and error. Increase the efficiency of Kubernetes compute resources to save on cloud spend.
Cloud Billing Integration Icon@2x
Equip Developers to Fix Issues Empower dev teams to own security, performance and cost configurations in their applications.
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Achieve Compliance Faster Adopt a platform that makes the Kubernetes compliance scope easy to understand and implement.