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5 minute read
| November 28, 2023

A Platform Engineer's Guide: How to Manage Complexity in Kubernetes

Kubernetes has rapidly become the de facto standard for container orchestration, with a recent survey showing 97% of organizations reaped business and operational benefits... Read More
4 minute read
| November 21, 2023

Fairwinds Insights Release Notes 14.4-14.7: Reliability & Costs Updates

This month we are happy to share some exciting updates in Fairwinds Insights, including an update that improves the reliability of deleting action items, which helps to... Read More
8 minute read
| November 14, 2023

Kubernetes Rightsizing: Save Money and Improve Performance

Kubernetes rightsizing is the process you use to ensure that your Kubernetes cluster has the right amount of resources to run your workloads efficiently. K8s rightsizing... Read More
10 minute read
| November 8, 2023

Getting Started with Terraform and AKS: a Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Your First Cluster

We are major advocates of using infrastructure as code to manage Kubernetes. Terraform is one tool we use to mange the entire lifecycle of Kubernetes infrastructure. Read... Read More
8 minute read
| November 8, 2023

What is Terraform and Why is it Important?

Running infrastructure at any scale almost always guarantees a dizzying array of components and configurations. To further complicate things, different teams within an... Read More
5 minute read
| November 7, 2023

Announcing Fairwinds' Extended Support for Kubernetes Cost Rightsizing

We are excited to announce a major expansion of Fairwinds Insights that shifts container rightsizing functionality left. That means that developers can now get accurate and... Read More
6 minute read
| November 1, 2023

Join the Cloud Native Community at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America

If you’re running cloud-native apps and services, you probably already know that KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 is next week, November 6-9 in Chicago! Fairwinds... Read More
14 minute read
| October 26, 2023

Top 5 Tips for Better Kubernetes Self Service

When you've got a medium- to large-sized company, you need a platform to help your application teams ship code into production in a standardized way. This ensures that your... Read More
10 minute read
| October 24, 2023

AMA with K8s Experts: Learn from Real-Life Pitfalls & Success Stories

We hear it all the time: Kubernetes is great, but it's complicated. But the consensus is that despite the complexity, Kubernetes is worth the effort. We recently had a panel... Read More
6 minute read
| October 19, 2023

A Platform Engineer's Guide to Successful Kubernetes Migration

Migrating to Kubernetes is an important shift that offers organizations multiple benefits, such as improved scalability, agility, and resource utilization. However, like any... Read More
4 minute read
| October 17, 2023

Fairwinds Insights Release Notes 13.11-14.3: Action Items Report & More

This month we are happy to share some great new functionality in Fairwinds Insights, including an update making Action Items for rightsizing workloads available in CI/CD as... Read More
6 minute read
| October 12, 2023

Kubernetes Risk Management: What it Is & How to Get Started

As cloud-native technology becomes increasingly popular, Kubernetes stands as the de facto solution for container orchestration. However, Kubernetes' power comes with a wide... Read More