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Joe Pelletier is VP of strategy at Fairwinds, the Kubernetes enablement company.

10 minute read
| April 13, 2023

How to Meet FedRAMP's Requirements for Container Vulnerability Scanning

The federal government continues to work to increase cybersecurity efforts in the United States, including, of course, in cloud environments. Specifically focused on cloud... Read More
8 minute read
| February 27, 2023

How You Can Scale Kubernetes Without Leaving Security and Operational Excellence Behind

Techstrong Research polled its community in 2022, asking DevOps, cloud-native cybersecurity, and digital transformation readers and viewers about their Kubernetes... Read More
27 minute read
| December 19, 2022

What is Kubernetes Governance?

Kubernetes governance is the set of policies and procedures organizations adopt to define how Kubernetes is managed and maintained, and it is an essential part of how... Read More
2 minute read
| November 3, 2022

CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786 OpenSSL Vulnerabilities: Scanning Container Images

On November 1st, 2022, OpenSSL announced a pair of High Severity vulnerabilities in version 3.0.0-3.0.6 of OpenSSL. The vulnerability is a buffer overflow that requires a... Read More
6 minute read
| October 25, 2022

Kubernetes Cost Allocation: Updates to Fairwinds Insights

Kubernetes workload cost allocation is hard. To illustrate it, let’s just take a simplistic view of the problem. Read More
4 minute read
| September 1, 2022

Why Infrastructure-as-Code Scanning Matters for Kubernetes Configuration

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the ability to provision and manage infrastructure using a configuration language. It offers the repeatability, transparency, and testing of... Read More
4 minute read
| July 12, 2022

Practical Applications for Fairwinds Polaris' Automated Remediation

The core of Fairwinds’ mission is to enable teams using Kubernetes to ship applications faster with less risk. Platform engineering leaders are at the forefront of this:... Read More
3 minute read
| May 24, 2022

Kubernetes Vulnerability Management: Keep Third-party Images Up-to-Date

The Kubernetes ecosystem is built on a vast array of open source technologies. Kubernetes itself is one of the largest open source projects, and a community of tools and... Read More
7 minute read
| May 9, 2022

NSA Hardening Guide: How Can Fairwinds Insights Strengthen Your Authentication & Authorization Practices?

If you haven’t already thumbed through the NSA’s recent Kubernetes Hardening Guide to learn more about today’s best practices in Kubernetes and cloud native technologies,... Read More
4 minute read
| April 19, 2022

Don’t Forget to Check Kubernetes Pod SecurityContext for readOnlyRootFilesystem

Running secure workloads in Kubernetes can be challenging. Kubernetes enables engineers to configure the security features of containers using the securityContext field.... Read More
6 minute read
| March 21, 2022

Correct Kubernetes Configuration is Key to Better Efficiency and Reliability

Although container security is often considered the most pressing topic in Kubernetes, it is inextricably linked to issues of efficiency and reliability, two key elements in... Read More
5 minute read
| February 1, 2022

How Fairwinds Insights Compliance Self-Assessment Now Simplifies SOC 2

Fairwinds Insights, our security and governance software, helps managers responsible for compliance to automate, monitor and enforce policy guardrails. And today, we are... Read More