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Kubernetes Cost Management and Optimization

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Overview Features Container Rightsizing Cost Optimization Cost Management Documentation

Setting Request and Limits

Kubernetes best practices dictate to always set resource limits and requests on workloads. However, it is not always easy to know what values to use for each application. 

Identify which workloads have not set CPU and/or memory requests and limits.

June release notes 1

Identifying Savings or Rightsizing Improvements

To make cloud consumption or renewal commits as accurate as possible, organizations must right-size Kubernetes instances and workloads and optimize compute. 

Use Fairwinds Insights “Total Savings Available” summary to identify areas of most wasteful spend of CPU and memory utilization with monitoring and advice on resource limits and requests. Evaluate individual applications to find opportunities to reduce costs without impacting application performance.

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Kubernetes Cost Allocation

With accurate Kubernetes cost allocation, teams make better decisions and gain granular visibility into costs that traditional cloud cost tools cannot provide. Get reports on container costs across multiple dimensions.

Workload cost

Cost and Efficiency Governance

Kubernetes cost optimization is not a point in time activity. Kubernetes’ dynamic nature means it is an on-going project. The Fairwinds team will help Insights users to enable cost and efficiency governance.


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