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11 minute read
| July 18, 2023

Building a Kubernetes Platform: What You Need to Monitor in K8s and Why

Lots of people are talking about platforms, frequently talking about it as an IDP or internal developer platform. Essentially what this means is that you have a unified... Read More
7 minute read
| July 13, 2023

Answering Your Goldilocks Questions About How HPA and VPA Work Together

Kubernetes, the open source platform for managing containerized workloads, provides you with a framework for automating software deployment, scaling, and management. Let’s... Read More
8 minute read
| July 11, 2023

4 Ways to Improve Long Term Kubernetes Capacity & Cloud Costs in Kubernetes

Today, who isn’t looking for ways to minimize costs and increase efficiency? The uncertain economic environment is causing many organizations to take another look at cloud... Read More
12 minute read
| July 5, 2023

Navigating Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Security

The era of cloud-native applications has arrived, and new security challenges have emerged for those developing cloud-native applications. Many modern business applications... Read More
6 minute read
| June 28, 2023

New Capabilities in Fairwinds Insights: Custom Fields and Issue Types

If you are managing development teams using Kubernetes, you need to be able to easily find, triage, and fix problems quickly. You likely already have existing tools in place... Read More
4 minute read
| June 26, 2023

Explore K8s Cost Allocation and Right-sizing at FinOps X

FinOps X is an excellent event for those looking to discuss FinOps, improve on current practices, and explore the complex intersection of FinOps and Kubernetes. Kubernetes,... Read More
7 minute read
| June 22, 2023

Building a Strong Reliability Foundation in Kubernetes: From Crawl to Run

In the world of modern application development, Kubernetes is the de facto container orchestration platform. It helps platform and development teams manage applications and... Read More
5 minute read
| June 20, 2023

Fairwinds Insights Release Notes 12.11-12.15 & More

This month we’re excited to share some new capabilities in Fairwinds Insights in addition to other improvements and bug fixes. Last month we officially launched our new Costs... Read More
8 minute read
| June 15, 2023

Fairwinds Jamathon: Unlocking the Power of OpenAI: Creating OPA Policies for Kubernetes

Fairwinds hosts an annual Jamathon amongst employees. It’s a fun, several week program that gives every person the chance to try something new, work with different teams, and... Read More
7 minute read
| June 13, 2023

Introducing Base Image Finder: An Open Source Tool for Identifying Base Images

One challenge everyone working with containers has experienced is worrying about common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) putting your apps and services at risk of attack.... Read More
9 minute read
| June 8, 2023

Fairwinds Insights Basics Tutorial: How to Manage Policy at Scale

As the number of apps and services deployed in Kubernetes environments grows, your environment is going to become more complex. Being able to manage policies at scale goes... Read More
6 minute read
| June 6, 2023

Now Available: Automated Compliance Evidence Collection in Fairwinds Insights

Adopting cloud-native technologies like containers and Kubernetes presents new compliance challenges. Since containers are ephemeral in nature, determining if an environment... Read More