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6 minute read
| June 22, 2021

How to Choose: Benefits of Using Polaris vs. Fairwinds Insights?

The team at Fairwinds has managed hundreds of clusters for dozens of organizations, which gives us unique insight into the problems most organizations encounter in their... Read More
4 minute read
| May 25, 2021

Prevent Risk and Monitor Kubernetes with Fairwinds & Datadog

It can be challenging to get visibility into cloud applications. There’s so many data points distributed across environments related to servers, containers, databases, and... Read More
7 minute read
| April 28, 2021

Never Should You Ever In Kubernetes Part 3: 6 K8s Reliability Mistakes

As we outlined in our first post in this series, there are some things that you should simply never, ever do in Kubernetes. Corey Quinn, Chief Cloud Economist at The Duckbill... Read More
5 minute read
| April 13, 2021

An Easier Way to Audit your Kubernetes Infrastructure: Self-hosted Fairwinds Insights

We’re excited to announce that a self-hosted release of Fairwinds Insights is now in beta! Read More
7 minute read
| February 24, 2021

Fairwinds Insights Reaches 3.0

I’m excited to announce the next major release of Fairwinds Insights! Read More
9 minute read
| February 8, 2021

An Interview with Flatfile on Why Fairwinds Insights: Kubernetes Configuration Validation

One of the best things about Kubernetes is how every company using it is transforming their business. One of our customers, Flatfile, is set up for huge growth in 2021 as... Read More
16 minute read
| January 13, 2021

Open Source vs Commercial Software: Why You Can’t (Always) Afford Free

When building an application, often the most important technical decisions come down to what to build yourself, and where to rely on third parties. Thanks to a vibrant open... Read More
3 minute read
| November 10, 2020

Introducing the Kubernetes Maturity Model

Whether you are new to Kubernetes or you have deployment experience, Kubernetes has complexity that you’ll need to overcome. At Fairwinds, we have been helping companies... Read More
8 minute read
| October 20, 2020

Fairwinds Insights v2.0 Now Available

Cloud native technology is revolutionizing the development and delivery of applications. It’s helping companies modernize and drive their digital transformation. In... Read More
10 minute read
| August 20, 2020

Kubernetes Clinic Spotlight: Brad Geesaman, Shining A Light on Kubernetes Security

Brad Geesaman has been at the intersection of IT security and infrastructure for nearly two decades. An expert equally comfortable talking at KubeCon or BlackHat, Brad... Read More
8 minute read
| June 25, 2020

Strengths and Weaknesses of AKS, EKS and GKE

When selecting a managed Kubernetes service like AKS, EKS or GKE, it’s good to know the strengths and weaknesses of each. All of these services have solved how to easily... Read More
8 minute read
| June 5, 2020

Making Sense of Kubernetes with Fairwinds Insights

When I started working with Kubernetes, I thought it’d be a fairly simple transition. I’d been working in AWS for years, and on Linux for years before that. I knew about... Read More