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An Introduction to FinOps Governance: How to Get Started

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FinOps governance is the practice that puts the framework into action. It defines who owns distinct aspects of cloud financial management and establishes rules for managing cloud spend, resource provisioning, and cost optimization strategies. It also defines key performance indicators to track progress towards FinOps goals, such as cost optimization percentage and resource utilization rate. 

It’s important to gain an understanding of cloud spend across different teams and projects because Kubernetes environments can result in hidden costs due to its complicated resource utilization patterns and dynamic scaling. FinOps governance enables you to put policies in place to ensure that cloud usage aligns with your business objectives. 

Read this paper and learn how to: 

  • Understand the cost of applications and teams running in Kubernetes

  • Build a FinOps culture around containers and Kubernetes spend

  • Optimize resource allocation early in the SDLC, saving both time and money

Unlock new opportunities for innovation while driving tangible business outcomes by shifting FinOps left. Download Today!

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